School News Ski Trip! Sun-drenched, glistening pistes…the swish and slash of skis…tumbling torrents of frozen breath…the giddy cheering of... European diplomats of the LAU MEU A warm ISC-Koura congratulations to the young European diplomats of the LAU MEU ( Model European Union ) delegation,... Country Statement awards at the LAU MAL! A warm ISC-Koura congratulations to grade 8 students, Rose Toubia and Mira Barq, for winning Country Statement... Seniors Picnic! The crisp, country air…chatter of excited voices…the succulent aroma of the smoking barbeque…can only mean one thing, Mother's Day ! The warmest of Happy Mother’s Day greetings to all our super ISC-Koura moms, many of whom joined their little... SABIS® Regional Tournament in Bahrain Congratulations to all our young ISC-Koura athletes who further added to a year of truly striking sporting... Fluffy Day The ISC-Koura KG Department became quite crowded recently as the little guys and gals of KG1-3 invited their furry... KG Department’s “Pajama Day” No Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening…only Goodnight! For the whole day! That’s what it felt like on the... Trip to the Aquaria indoor play area The tiny tots of KG2 took maximum advantage of their recent trip to the Aquaria indoor play area in Tripoli by... ISC-Koura Senior MUN Congratulations to the ISC-Koura Senior MUN delegation who represented their school so ably and commendably... < 1 2 3 4 5 >